Workshop: Bulding Quality Culture Toolbox
Maciej Wyrodek
Automation TechLead, TestArmy
Company: Displate
Country: Poland
Language: English
Day: 14 of April 2022
Duration: 13:00 - 20:00, 7 hours.
Lunch: 16:00 till 16:30
Target audience:
Required skill:
Required for participants :
- Intro 15min
- Assessing what is the current level of Quality Culture 1,5-2 h
- Break 15 min
- Deciding Next Steps - 1,0-1,5hh
- Break 15 min
- Building Quality Strategy with Risk Storming 1,5h - 2h
- Break 15 min
- Planning automation. 1,5-2 h
- break
- putting it all together 30 min
About Speaker
Maciej for several years has mostly been working as a Test Automation Expert and Test Architect. He is a seasoned tester who can’t stay long in one place. He is looking for perfection and a place to challenge his skills. He gathered experience working for different companies with different working models, From small to big corporations, From Product via Inhouse development to software house. Thanks to that he has a wide perspective on testing quality and delivering value. During his 2 years long stay in Dublin while working for Kobo he realized his passion: Knowledge sharing.
His strong belief is that what makes us human is the ability to learn and share knowledge.
That is why for the last 5 years he has been doing his best to give back to the IT community, by writing articles, recording videos and speaking on conferences.
Workshop description
Quality is a wide subject, and there are many elements that affect it. Testing is one of them, but sometimes changes in process can bring even more value than testing. That is why good quality culture is very important.
During Workshop participant will learn how to use a model for determining Quality Culture maturity at their company, how to find low-hanging fruits and act upon them.
How to plan changes and how to implement them.