Christian Baumann

Christian Baumann

Test Automation Engineer

Company: MaibornWolff

Stream: А

Time: 16:00 - 16:45

Country: Germany

Language: English

Talk: Design patterns to boost your test automation

About Speaker

Christian is a principal test architect with 15+ years of experience in the field. He has successfully held different roles in the context of testing: Test Automation Engineer, Agile Tester, Test Team Lead, Test Project Manager and Exploratory/ Functional/ Manual Tester.
During his career he worked with various test (automation) tools such as Cucumber, Selenium, Watir and others using programming languages like Java, Ruby and C#, but also applied certain development/ testing methodologies such as Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). Furthermore he successfully applied different manual testing techniques, such as Agile Testing, Rapid Software Testing (RST), Black Box Software Testing (BBST), Exploratory Testing (ET) and Session Based Test Management (SBTM) or ISTQB.
Christian is strongly driven by his context, always searching for the best fitting solution for a given situation. He´s able to understand business´ and people´s problems, and is always eager to learn and improve himself, while staying curios, open minded and willing to share his knowledge.

Talk: Design patterns to boost your test automation

How is your test automation journey going? You’re working on test automation, yet didn’t receive any proper training? You managed to create some automated tests, but you suspect that something is not quite right with your automation, because your code feels messy, and
maintaining it is difficult and very frustrating? Programmers have tools to handle this, one group of those being called “design patterns”. Four IBM programmers nicknamed the “Gang of Four” first created the term, describing a design pattern as “a description of customized communicating objects and classes that solves a problem in a particular context of software design”. Put more simply: A design
pattern is a common way of building things that solves a known problem. If you’re creating test automation, then you are doing “software design”. Yet a lot of test automation engineers are not aware of many design patterns that could ease their work.This is a pity, because using design patterns has quite some advantages.Did you know that design patterns
● can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development
● help to prevent hidden subtle issues that often are detected only late in the process.
● improve code readability for people who are familiar with the patterns.
● can help to save costs.
Knowing design patterns provides you with code templates. You don't need to solve all problems from scratch. Design patterns super-charge object-oriented designs to become
more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable. They help programmers and test automation engineers reuse successful designs by building new implementations on previous experience. Programmers being familiar with design patterns can immediately apply them to problems without rediscovering them. In this talk, you will learn
● Specific design patterns for test automation, such as Screenplay & Object Mother
● The advantages of using design patterns
● The obstacles & hurdles when introducing & using them.
● How to get started applying them in your test automation code & framework.
This talk is not about any specific tool or framework. The design patterns
described are generic, and I've seen them work in different contexts.